Free Hong Kong and sing the song … Glory to Hong Kong.I want to tell old people to come out and stand with the young.I felt sad when I saw the bloody scenes from Tiananmen Square.The bloodiness stuck with me, so did the protesters there. The longer I lived in Shenzhen, the more I felt […]
Author: John Crawford
Alliance for Thai Democracy
The time has come, it has been said, to talk of many thingsOf politics, religion and the tyranny of kings.Of liberty and freedom and what is right or wrongOf democracy in Thailand and freedom for Hong Kong. It doesn’t matter what’s your age or the language that you speakOr whether you are big and strong […]
Christian Rejuvenation
To heal my soul and make it whole I need rejuvenation.To lift my spirit high as the sky I need some inspiration.To mend my broken heart and mind I need to be rejuvenated.To get myself physically back in shape I need to be invigorated. I need renewal and rebirth in order to survive on earthAnd […]
Mental Medicine
In order to stay mentally healthy and fitI bought me a mental first-aid kitWherein to keep my mental medicineAlthough no brandy or gin will you find therein. To combat any mental illness in myselfI keep it on my mental medicine shelf.If feeling mentally ill when in the morn I awakeA good mental pill will fix […]
I discovered a new word on the Web todayIt connects your Spirit and Mind in a very good wayIt’s a lot like its secular counterpart, psychologyBut includes soulful and spiritual dimensions from theology. Now some say that science can’t be mixed with religionBut who knows the difference without a good definition?If psychology is science then […]
Milk Tea Democracy
As a cat diplomat in the Milk Tea AllianceShe won’t remain quiet and has broken the silence.She is ready for combat with the wolves on the webAnd like they say in Vermont – better dead than red. Cat warrior diplomacy emphasizes flexibility.Facing a powerful force you need a certain agility.Like cats who always manage to […]
Believing in God is therapeutic for meThe Bible’s the basis for my Christian TherapyNow I no longer beg, borrow or stealOr question the claim that God’s really real. In Christ I am healed and truly set freeFrom sin I am loosed and have true libertyNo longer craving anything addictiveI’m enjoying a healthier and longer life […]
Upon surfing the Internet or maybe watching TVI am sometimes inspired by something I seeSo I reach for my keyboard upon which to typeA few words to express my delight or some gripe A click on my notebook brings up a blank pageInviting expressions of glee or outrageIt faithfully takes note of my grievance or […]
Poetry for the Soul
Whenever my soul I need to nurseI write a few lines of rhyming verse.It lightens my heart and gives me great joyWhen this method of healing I am quick to employ. To say what you want, what you think, how you feelIs therapeutic and helps broken hearts to heal.It’s like a ministering angel from somewhere […]
Christian Therapy
Should you occasionally suffer the blahs or the bluesAnd would like to have remedies from which to chooseThen why not consider a therapeutic approachIntended to help you become your own coach? Should you wish to share your cares and desireWith someone whose treatment is not for hireBut who knows the joy of the relief you […]