O, come on into the woods with me
And I’ll show you where soon my body shall be
When under a canopy of branch and leaf
Your laughter will change to sorrow and grief.
Walk down the wooded path with me
Through grasses and bushes past the Evergreen tree
See yonder mound of sticks and stones
Well, underneath will be resting … my skull and bones.
Stay awhile and sit on this wooden bench by me
Look, there’s a marker showing my identity
Now look at the sky above the towering pines
See how the sunlight through the tree-tops shines.
O, that more than once you will come to visit me
I’ll be here forever as far as I can see
Enjoying my tree-lined cathedral in the forest
Can you think of a better place for an eternal rest?
I’ll thank you to have spent this time with me
And for reading aloud my poetry
It makes me very happy and then, a little sad too
Since it’s been a long time that I’ve been missing you.
Copyright by John Crawford, 2020 All Rights Reserved